
User manual



This is the error that will be shown if you try to access a page that is only available for registered users.


Click on the login button at the top  right side. Enter username and passsword or click "I forgot my password". If you forgot the password, you will be prompted for your email address. You will receive a mail with a link to reset your password. Snap0873


Browsing the site

Once you have  login you will see the screen below


The top menu is what you will need to add information for your BEC or Ministry. In the image above the BEC menu was clicked and it takes you to the Basic Ecclesial Community page. In this page you will see the various Zones pages in the table of content.  You can see in Zone05 thare are two subpages, St Paul abd St Theresa of Child Jesus. We will show you how you can add your BEC to the list and edit your pages.

How to add pages

Assuming we would like to add BEC1 from Zone02. Since there is no saint's name we will use "Z2BEC1" as the name.

Click on the Zone (Zone02) you would like to add your BEC page. You will see the page below.


Look at the header on the page. In the box below the title Zone02 enter the BEC name (Z2BEC1), click the "Child" tick box and then click "Add Page". This will create a subpage (Child page) under Zone02.


If you forgot to tick the "Child" then Z2BEC1 will be created at the same level as Zone02. If that happens don't worry, carry on with editing the new page and at the end, send email to leng1408 at gmail.com and I will move the page to the correct level. The result is a new page with the name Z2BEC1 in edit mode.

You can now enter in information for your BEC and remember to click the Save button at the bottom of the screen. You have 24 minutes after each save to edit. You can cut and paste from MsWord file. Use Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+V to paste.

If you go back to the Basic Ecclesial Community page you will now find Z2BEC1 in the content  table.
